How was Arjuna related to Sri Krishna🦚? Kunti was the biological daughter of Shurasena, a Yadava ruler. Her birth name was Pritha. She is said to be the reincarnation of the goddess Siddhi. She was the sister of Vasudeva, Krishna’s father. Thus, Kunti is the sister of Vasudeva who is Krishna’s father. Her son, Arjuna thus becomes Krishna’s cousin. I found this information online, can you please tell me if this information is correct.

Krishna and Arjuna were first cousins. But their relationship goes much deeper. Sri Krishna reveals in the Mahabharata that they are Nar (human) and Narayan (divine) two sages in their past life who have fought the battle of the Ages for the victory of Truth upon earth. In the Gita Sri Krishna as the Divine reveals that Arjuna is His vibhuti and a chosen instrument to carry humanity one more step forward in its evolutionary march.


Alok Da

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