Rama and Krishna are the two names that have governed the Indian psyche and moulded the Indian thought and temperament for so long that it is impossible to understand India without taking into account these two greatest architects of Bharatvarsha. The four Vedas, the twelve principle Upanishads, several puranas and many great teachings that have sprouted upon the spiritually rich Indian soil find their epitome in the life and personality of Rama and Krishna. The Avatar of Treta has lain down the foundation stones of the Indian culture, the Avatar of Dwapara has filled it with rich and diverse colours weaving a vivid and wonderful tapestry of Indian life. Sri Aurobindo as the last Avatar brings to this richness a crowning significance thereby completing the temple of India or shall we say, the temple called India.
And if we are not aware of our rich ancient Aryan culture which is based on the strong foundation of timeless Sanathan Dharma and Truth then we too Indians will get into the trap of hollow western theories of feminism and wokeism that will eventually destroy everything what humanity stands for.
Alok Da