I  had a question regarding menstruation and Indian traditional values in some places. In my household, there has always been restrictions to not go to temple or enter Pooja room or even an extreme case, that my maternal grandmother won’t even touch someone on periods as somehow that will be a hindrance and she will have to cleanse herself before going to the Pooja room. This has always been something that bothered me and angered me a lot as a kid and even now sometimes. I don’t understand the whole concept clearly, why would God be so anti about it as they say. Is there any science behind it or any logic or anything. Or it’s the right thing😌?

These are never rules of God and are not supported by any authentic scriptures. They were rules of hygiene as is evident from restrictions to crowded places and touch etc, to prevent infection. To ensure the practice it was given a religious twist. But as happens, though the times have changed, the rules continue to hold as mere irrational beliefs. The Mother was asked about it and She did not endorse any of it and allowed women to come and participate in all activities including physical education. After all if a menstruating girl can go to school then why not to a temple given that God is everywhere. The only restriction that makes sense is sexual activity which is obviously again a helpful thing for the woman. 


Alok Da

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