It is often advised that one should practice seeing the Divine in others as a part of yogic growth. While seeing the Divine in gentle and beautiful people is easy, how does one see the Divine in those who are brutish, nasty and mean😨? This stand feels a little difficult (and confusing) because the dynamic side of manifestation is not quite an exact representation of Divine Will and ignorance and evil still are at play.

It is true that it is difficult to see the Divine in everyone but that is mainly because we associate the Divine with goodness,  especially moral goodness.  But the Divine is in everyone as Truth, Good, Beauty, Consciousness, Love, Ananda. And in everyone these are there but limited and conditioned by the mould and the container, that is to say,  the outer personality. But the first thing is to look behind and beyond the surface formation of personality. And then see how Love, Joy, Good and Truth are distorted and limited by the small and narrow mould built temporarily by nature. It is not the person’s fault that he is small and narrow and hence prone to lower movements. It is Nature that has so built the mould because of the stage of evolution.  If we add to this the knowledge that how much each one is struggling and suffering in life imprisoned by the mould, then a benevolent compassion and generosity develops. Then we are able to see the Love behind the mask of Death, evil as a preparation for goodness, and going further we are able to see at least some good quality independent of his relation with us. Else we have to take it as an axiom of faith and keep concentrating upon this idea of the Divine in all until it becomes a living Reality. 


Alok Da

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