Mother speaks in her Agenda, “The most difficult thing in the material world, here, is to fight against the result of all those millennia of experiences that have created a sort of pessimistic and defeatist consciousness—a general consciousness, you know, like this (gesture enveloping the earth). It isn’t formulated in words, but for that consciousness it can be expressed thus, “Yes, we don’t deny the existence of all those divine things, but they aren’t for us, they’re for …” (gesture to the heights)”(1) What exactly is this defeatist 😦consciousness? It is the general resistance from humanity to Truth, as it has always been?

(2) If so, how do we detect this resistance in ourselves and remove it from our being? (3) How do we also detect this resistance in others and help them overcome it, if it is possible to do so?


(1) Yes it is the general resistance to the possibility of anything ever changing the earthly life.  Almost all the spiritual sects I know deny the possibility of change here. They believe that nothing will ever change here and at best one can escape from the earthly life through moksha. This defeatist attitude is due to long experience of suffering through which material life has been moulded with great difficulty.  It is imprinted deeply in matter. 

(2) We have to look sincerely, without putting covers and justifications or pretense, and see what contradicts the Divine in us. Once discovered one has to offer it persistently to Her with a will to change. The secret lies in persevering and persisting in the effort to change without ever giving up. 

(3) That is something which is best not engaged in. The best way to help others is to see their beautiful and positive aspects and ignore the rest. When one tries to show the real or unreal defects of others, it only increases the resistance of the ego and a further cover of denial. It seldom helps if at all. 


Alok Da

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