Ask Alok da
We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask.
This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.
We have read that supreme has given the sanctions to hostile forces to at certain extent. Through difficult circumstances and hostile forces intervention also things take a certain turn and Some people utilizes this opportunity and turns towards Divine. But certain people get so much demotivated and helpless they commit Suicide. Don’t you think in such scenario where man is ignorant these sanction to this forces is become obstacle for his progress or its high consequence of this leverage to the hostile force?
It is true that the hostile forces create a himalaya of difficulties where they are supposed to obstruct by a hill between our aspiration and
Can you give an example of eternal love💗?
In India, there are two examples of such eternal love: Rama and Sita, and Radha and Krishna. Their love is considered immortal because it was…
I always feel a urge to gather few people in my college and start a study circle. BUT…I always get 2 feelings, Am I ready for these kind of things? I am afraid of the ego coming in and disturbing everything inside me😬.
Ego doesn’t leave easily. If one waits for the ego to be dissolved before one takes up work for the Divine then one may never
What are these triple mystic heavens and the seven immortal earths that Savitri🕊️ is seeing in the following lines?
The triple mystic heavens are the three higher worlds, Satloka, Chidghana or Tapoloka, Anandaloka. The seven immortal earths are the seven grounds of being based
I had a dream the other day that there was a house. It was late evening and the house was a red brick house made with a slanting roof🏚️and windows and it was European style architecture and it was surrounded with water all round and I kept on looking at that house. Can you please explain me this ?
The dream experience seems to be more of an actual seeing of some real physical space (either existing presently or from the past) that has
Any correlation between purusha being dismembered to create the world and the material world being food? Is the scenario of wild dogs devouring a deer and all the natural processes of life feeding upon life a reenactment of that original primal sacrifice in an inverted way🤔? I remember reading Upanishadic sages talking about everything in the world from physical to the spiritual processes being a sacrifice. Can we see even the world history from being isolated tribes dispersed throughout the globe to the global unit that is the earth today as reintegration of dismembered purusha through the wars and battles of history? Sri Aurobindo wrote a piece on kala purusha the devourer of legions and the opening of brihadaranyaka upanishad has the imagery of devouring of creatures the moment time came into being and western occultism has this image of chronus the father of time eating his own children. Sri Aurobindo also also mentions about agni being the flame of time and death and everything is his food. I know it’s a lengthy and complicated question but really want to get some clarity on the enigmatic Purusa sukta and how it’s broader implications operates in the cosmos
The sacrifice of the Purusha as described in the Purusha Sukta of the Rig Veda as well as the sacrifice of the Divine Mother as
Please describe the concept of Kuldevta 🙏
Kuladevata or Kuladevi refers to a family deity to which the family or the clan has been praying for generations and hence has developed a
My friends ask me, What happened with Ahilya in Ramayana was not lawful and a patriarchy silenced her. What to say😡?
No doubt what happened to Ahalya is unjust. Lord Rama in the Ramayana himself says so!! Then how does it becomes patriarchy when the male
Why do so many wealthy people engage in philanthropy and make sure the world knows about their donations🤷♂️?
Philanthropy can be a way for those with guilt to clear their conscience. They might be aware of how they acquired their wealth and thus
What is difference between psychic emergence and psychic transformation? What is the steps or process after psychic emergence towards the transformation?
Psychic emergence lights up the flame of Godward aspiration. As it emerges more and more the different parts of nature begin to aspire, – the
Sri Aurobindo says that the thought comes from outside. If so, one does not perceive in the same way for any given situation. Why is it so🤔? Does each person’s gunas decides. How to differentiate the thought from divine or self?
What is meant by thought in the spiritual parlance is a vibration of light that originates in the Light of the Divine and the descends
Why we feel peace and a quiet pressure in lower abdominal part🙎♂️?
If the pressure in the lower abdomen is quiet and peace is felt there then it is a sign of the opening of the lower
Can you please explain these Mother’s words: ‘Men, Countries, Continents the choice is imperative. Truth or the abyss’. What I feel is Mother out of love is warning her children to get serious as how to realise the seriousness of the situation and not waste our lives as I can see the sheer waste of lives and not realising that this is the final change given to us… am I right or exaggerating🫤?
Yes of course it is the Mother out of Her immense love cautioning Her children since now it is the Truth Consciousness that is active
Once one has become a Satvik person, what is the next step🤷♂️?
The next step is liberation from the three gunas and by doing so become a jivanmukta. But there is a yet greater beyond and it
Why is it considered inappropriate to blow out candles on a birthday? What is the reasoning behind this belief🙃?
Acts should be symbolic to convey the truth that they represent. Birthday is not just celebrating the years we have left behind us but looking
Recently I had a series of losses of my personal belongings. I lost a golden symbol of mother I had, then someone stole my audio speaker, and I nearly lost my wallet. On the 5th of December, one man made an observation about me: he said “your eyes are moving too fast. Your breathing is too shallow. You are likely to attract accidents 😱in such a state. You have to learn to breath deeply”. This made me think. The very next day I had a bad injury after which I will require surgery. For the last 4 days, I’ve been experimenting with some light pranayama — 20 repetitions of Anulom Vilom in the morning and evening. I’ve heard that pranayama can be dangerous unless it is practiced carefully. Can you explain why it is said that pranayama can be dangerous, as well as what is the best way to safely learn it? If you have any comments about my experience narrated at the beginning of this message, I’d like to hear them.
The losses of this kind are due to a lack of concentration, an inattention or unconsciousness in certain aspects of nature. The solution is to
Do we exist simultaneously in both the physical body and the subtle physical body? And are there additional realms where we exist simultaneously? How to understand this🧐?
Yes we exist at multiple levels simultaneously. However we are aware only of the level with which the ego is identified at a given moment.
What is the use of death and suffering😟?
In brief these events challenge us and thereby pushing us beyond the routine round of life. By doing so they awaken us. Death is the