Ask Alok da
We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask.
This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

What is life seeking?
Life has come from the Divine but is labouring here under the conditions of the Ignorance imposed upon it by the

What is the symbolism of Indian marriage?
To walk together hand in hand with the fire of aspiration in the centre. Fire is in centre not the ego or anybody else. The

Everywhere, I see that the rich give millions to temples and institutions, but I do not have much money to spare as we are always in a hand-to-mouth situation. So, if I do not give much to God, then I think that’s not a good thing. Right?
Let me share a sweet story told by The Mother: “It does not depend on the amount you have. I remember reading a story in

How to find Unity of love in relationships?
By commonality of aspiration, commonality of thought, commonality of heart, commonality of life and physical existence.
Naturally this commonality cannot be imposed, either it

How to wake children up from their sleep as I feel my son is in such deep sleep in the morning but I have to wake him up for school and if I call him softly he does not even budge then I touch him softly still he does not move so then I have to shake him a bit, but that I don’t like it can there be another way to wake him up?
Try touching him behind the ears which is a bit sensitive area. You can also try whispering his name little loudly in his ears.

What is nobility?
True nobility is to be unselfish in thoughts and feelings and actions. It requires courage and compassion as well as the spirit of sacrifice. Generally

I am sure you are not going to like what I have to say, but I need your help. Spiritually I am doing well. Like I said I am understanding Savitri more and more but I do hesitate to believe that Mahadev is sitting on the Kailash top, Can you help me?
The images that we find described in the Vedas and the Puranas (the Upanishads hardly use images; they use stories as well as ideas) are

What is the importance of love in this world?
Well consciousness has built the world but love is the saviour. Without Love this world could not be. Without Love delight will be a monotone,

The other day I came to know that in the west now women have started charging for the work they put in for their family like cooking, cleaning etc, as according to them its the value of their time and labour. I was shocked to hear this! Being an Indian, where it is in my Dharma to take care of my loved ones and it is my devotion to look after them, how can people think of something like this? Everything is valued with money? Where does it stop and when will it stop? Please share your views on this.
Yes the woke wave is trying to dismantle the family and the nation unit turning everything into a field of conflict of interest. This is

I want to know something about Subliminal. What’s Subliminal and what is it’s role in the path of Integral Yoga ?
Subliminal means below the threshold of awareness. Just as we see a strip of the sky or a large pool of water around us when

Why intelligent people complicate things, discuss theories, philosophies, analysis and confuse themselves and others?
Because such is the nature of mental intelligence. Our mind is like a restless monkey caught in a maze, surrounded by a dense fog and

Can you please let me know what this dream means? There was a underground place where there were rooms after rooms and I wanted to get milk and some people were wasting our time. Someone was there with me, I felt the presence but could not recognise him and all I wanted to was get the milk and I knew where it was and then I got up.
The underground rooms are the subconscious parts from where you are drawing the essence of…

What should be the real idols of India and stories of India that we should share with children as I feel children right seem to be too much into Bollywood stars, influencers, cricketers,etc?
Yes that is one of the purposes that these stories and legends serve. Their characters are archetypes that leave an indelible mark upon the human

Recently I had a dream: I was at this place that I had never seen before, there was a river and my physical mother was there in that river with me. I could feel the water and the base and also the base of the river was hard concrete but a bit uneven. Then I wanted to take the water in my hands but could not so I had a shiny silver foil like thing from which I made a bowl like thing and then took the water in it. Then a white seagull flew above my head make it’s chirping noise and I really liked it. Can you please explain this?
Water is life. River is the flow of life. Hard bed is the physical consciousness, mother is the link with the old consciousness.
Silver foil

Sometimes I am so upset in life; I think I should take up Yoga.
Yoga is not done by a despondent heart; it has to be done by a glad heart.
Despondence due to life situations is almost

What is the soul? How to discover it and what do we do after self discovery and realization. Is it possible to find out about our previous births?
Beautiful question for a 12 year old. It seems you are developed far beyond your age to ask such a question so I am very

Is Satyavan in Savitri Symbolic? What was so special about him?
Satyavan is the soul of the man caught in the net of Ignorance. Yet, and here lies the difference between Satyavan and all others who

Can you share a simple rule of living?
It is not so much a set of rules as it is a set of attitudes that we must have.
The foremost among these