(2) Second thing, which still is not very clear in my mind but here it is Place where we had gone is basically a jungle, lots of vegetation around. I saw some flowers blooming in such rocky places, where they have no business even being there! And for some reason I thought about Mataji working on cells. A thought came to mind that she can not be working on just a human cell, she must be working on The Cell, the original cell, which can adapt. I saw one plant that looked completely dead, and yet there was a beautiful flower blooming on it.I have read it that She was working on longevity of human being, did she start?
(1) Yes for a while you witnessed the power of mind over matter, of thoughts over the body.
(2) The Mother was working on transforming the human cells which is part of the physical transformation and building a divine body upon our earth. But since all creation is interconnected in a single chain, Her Work upon the human cells is bound to have an impact on the animal and plant cells, on the atoms and molecules, on the distant planets, on the titans and the gods, especially since the human body is a miniature universe.
Alok Da