Some advanced sadhaks, in their talks, create fear of another pandemic, or big loss of money, if we do not surrender completely, or start an Ashram or be a part of Ashram life, and give everything for the Divine purpose. They say marriage and family life are dangerous for sadhana or any realisation. Govt or Pvt Jobs should not be done as it curtails our freedom. They say to leave everything: family, children, jobs, as these are blockers in our Sadhana, and every moment try to lead a spiritual life by surrendering completely for Mother’s work directly. If we are not leading an Ashram life, we are far far away from the Divine. Should we join Integral Yoga communities out of fear of some destruction? What is Mother’s views in this regard?

Sin, guilt, fear belong to the old world and to religion. It has no place in spiritual life. The Mother did caution that some people will try to turn Sri Aurobindo’s teachings into a religion based on fear and we should be careful and not listen to it. Here are her words.

‘What the Asuric Force that has succeeded in taking the appearance of Sri Aurobindo will create is a new religion or thought, perhaps cruel and merciless, in the name of the Supramental Realisation. But everybody must know that it is not true, it is not Sri Aurobindo’s teaching, not the truth of his teaching. The truth of Sri Aurobindo is a truth of love and light and mercy. He is good and great and compassionate and divine….’

One must remember that the Divine never punishes nor calculates. Her Grace and Love are infinite and unconditional. Besides sadhana is an psycholohical process and comprises mainly of certain inner movements namely aspiration, rejection, surrender, faith, sincerity. All these grow as we grow over a period of time. Even during Sri Aurobindo’s physical presence there were number of sadhaks who lived outside and worked outside, outside Pondicherry as well as in Pondicherry. There were devotees and disciples who were married, working as well as had children. So such assertions by people is best ignored. Go on steadily on the path shown by them, keeping a balance between the inner and the outer life, with the right attitude in all actions done as an offering to Her, above all with complete trust and confidence in the Grace. The key to the sadhana is to remain psychically open to the Mother and put in whatever effort one can in the direction of growing inwardly closer to Her.


Alok da.

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