Sometimes I feel no one values me. How do I stop that feeling?

Human beings do not know the value of things, let alone of people because they see everything from the lens of their selfish advantage. Generally one values things and people based on how they can positively impact their lives or provide support or satisfy some need of theirs. It is a crass utilitarian approach towards everything including God. But things have their value in themselves and everything, even the most modest and humblest has its own value. So do not give much importance to what people think.

What is however important is that we realize and discover our true value. For example one can use mud to throw at each other, to build a clay house or objects or else even to make an idol that the world worships. So also we need to discover what we can make of our life. God provides us raw material which sometimes may not seem to be of great value to the self interest seeking utilitarian mind. But it is upto us how we turn this raw material into something beautiful. The more we discover and give value to our life, the more it is likely to be valued by those around us.


Alok da

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