The state you describe is a kind of vairagya that sometimes takes the form of sadness. As you have experienced these feelings are like waves that pass away. They do not endure though, like all waves of nature, it has a tendency to return again. At its root is some kind of discontent with the life one is leading, perhaps some kind of compromise between the need of the soul (of which one may or may not be aware outwardly) and the actual life one is leading.
Especially this need to go to some Himalayan village reflects an inner need of solitude which itself is a sign of readiness for the spiritual life. What is needed is to heed this call and learn to live within in an inner solitude. Take out moments to be alone with yourself and seek the purpose of your life, the things you really want to do but could not, the goal or aim for which you would live.
Alok da.