Can you please explain this
Just as the Sun sends light to the earth in two modes, – a steady stream of photons and as special intense outbursts or solar flares, so too, there are special descents of the Divine along with the souls entering into creation. These special descents enter into the play like other souls, they pass through the experience of life and death and all the multiple challenges which other souls go through. But these special descents have a special purpose. In the lives of preparation they work as vibhutis helping the march of mankind in its evolutionary march.
But a time comes when they are prepared and ready and then during a period of intense evolutionary crisis upon earth, the original Divine Intent within them manifests as the Avatar, as a special emanation of the Supreme. That is why Sri Krishna, the Buddha, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother speak of their earlier lives before the grand life wherein they manifest the special Divine Intent as the Avatar.
As Sri Aurobindo reveals in Savitri:
‘Rare is the cup fit for love’s nectar wine,
As rare the vessel that can hold God’s birth;
A soul made ready through a thousand years
Is the living mould of a supreme Descent.’
Alok Da