Hellas is the name given to Greece given by the Greeks themselves. The name has been given after Helen who, much like Draupadi, became instrumental in uniting the different tribes of Greece through the War. In fact before the Trojan war, there was no Greece as a nation. It was a congeries of tribes in which Troy stood as the only developed spot. The Trojan War was like the labour pains for the birth of the Greek nation. We can compare its effects to the Mahabharata War leading to unification of Bharat or Aryavarta.
Crucifixion of Christ is another landmark event that shook the psyche of the Roman empire, many of whose gods were brutal. Crucifixion awakened in the heart of a cruel empire piety, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, pity thereby bringing into play all that marks us truly human. It was an evolutionary jump from an asuric humanity to a truly human type. This can be compared somewhat to Lord Rama and Sita mata’s sacrifice that awakened human feelings, filial love, tenderness, kindness, sympathy amidst a predominantly asuric and rakshasic mankind.
Sri Krishna’s exile from Mathura to Brindavan released streams of bhakti among the simple folks of Braj as was never imagined before. God’s love for man and in response Man’s love for God is typified in Sri Krishna’s exploits in Brindavan.
The Gita of course is Sri Krishna’s great gift to mankind that he gave to help man and guide him through the dark passage of Kali that was closing in upon earth as the Avatar of Dwapar was preparing to leave. But now that the Age is turning towards a new Satyuga, Sri Aurobindo has, by his interpretation based on his realisations, brought out what is hinted in the Gita and developed it through his Essays on the Gita. The Gita synthesised the different Vedic schools and systems in a single comprehensive easy to practice scripture. It shows man the path to liberation from ignorance through the wide way of works while leading a normal life in the world. Sri Aurobindo gave a further gift, the Scripture to guide man beyond liberation towards transformation. That gift is Savitri.
Alok Da