I think this has been answered earlier. Both Science and Vedantuc Scriptures tell us that man is presently, so far at least, the last product of a long evolution through many forms that proceded it. But human evolution itself is through number of lives beginning from the crude type of humanity closer to the animal kind right upto the highest evolved so far as the saint and the seer. It is quite possibly that in early stages when the consciousness is just emerging out of the human and though in a human form the actions are more like an animal or rakshasa that it may, for a while revert back to the animal life for a while and pick up the human body and the human momentum again. But this would be quite rare.
Alok Da
Original question asked in Hindi: ऐसा अनेक संतो की वाणी में है की मनुष्य योनि 84 लाक अन्य पशु योनियों से गुजरने पे मिलती है क्या इस बात में दिव्य सत्य है ?
और मेरा दूसरा प्रश्न यह है की मनुष्य जन्म मिलने के बाद क्या मनुष्य वापस पशु योनि में जा सकता है और अगर वापस पशु योनि में जाता है तो उसके क्या कारण हो सकते है जो उसकी यात्रा को वापस नीचे की ओर ले जाते है ?