What does lower nature mean? And then if we have to rise to higher nature then one should not have husband-wife💑 relationship also? Right?

Lower nature is that part in us that is driven by desires and its offshoots lust, greed, fear, ambition etc

Depends upon what kind of husband or wife. If both share the same aspiration and are walking together, living for something higher and greater, a common high ideal, if not the Divine then they can help each other get over the lower tendencies. This is however rare.

Most human beings live for transient gains and pleasures of the flesh with little depth or anything higher in their life. Hence misery does follow. They try to hide this inner misery by outer things, objects and parties and money but the inner life is often unhappy and artificial.

In ordinary life with ordinary aims, the advice is moderation so that the lower nature does not completely ride over us or cloud our intelligence.

But for those who want a higher life mastery over lower nature is important. Mastery means we are not the slave of passions and emotions but use them as means to express something deeper and truer. We are not at the mercy of passing fancies and desires so to say.


Alok Da

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