Why did Krishna not marry Radha 😏if he said he loved her the most, he was God he could have done anything and changed things? Also what happened to Radha after Krishna went to Dwarka? Did she marry? 

The story of Radha and Krishna is a profound mystic tale of the love of the human soul and the Divine. Radha is the personification of the perfect love and surrender that the soul must have for the inner union with the Divine Beloved. As of now this union is primarily inner. One day it will materialise even physically, in the very body cells. But during Sri Krishna’s advent this was at best a far off possibility. Hence their love and union though deepest remains largely within and does not extend to the material plane. But perhaps the time has come for realising the mystic marriage hinted in the stories of Radha Krishna,  Sita Ram to be realised upon earthly life and material form, in the very body.

But even at the human plane the love of Radha and Krishna is shown to transcend barriers of Time and Space. It depends upon no outer condition, no social approval or disapproval, it is content within itself with love alone, needing nothing else for its joy. It is the perfect example of immortal love and hence it continues to live in the heart and mind of the race inspiring human imagination, awakening the aspiration for true love in the human soul. In the story Radha did get married to someone but see the irony of it that to think of Radha is to think of Krishna and to think of Krishna is to think of Radha. It is as if the story of Sita and Rama had returned but with a new turn. Radha remained outwardly separated from Sri Krishna since the society was still not ready for such purity in love. Yet inwardly they remained inseparable like the earth and sky never meeting and yet never away from each other.  

Of course the highest truth of Radha and Krishna is to be discovered in the world of Radha and Krishna in their home of Bliss. There the gopas and gopis are revealed as the various powers and energies of Sri Krishna but Radha is his very heart. Just as one lives driven secretly by one’s heart so too Sri Krishna moves the worlds by the love and delight in his heart. Radha is that love and delight in Sri Krishna’s heart, his Shakti. 


Alok Da

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