Why did Sri Aurobindo not take up any writing from the 1920’s apart from Savitri? Did he think the mission was completešŸ¤”?

His mission was far from simply writing books. That was only the beginning of his collective work for humanity. He came not only to teach but to realise and having realised, to help others realise it. 

So till 1920, he completed laying the main theoretical framework of his work. By 1926 he completed the Siddhi of his personal yoga which he had begun in 1906 or 1907 leading to his first major realisation of Nirvana in January 1908. From 1926 till 1950 he undertook several important actions for the fulfilment of his mission. He was concentrating upon bringing the supramental consciousness upon earth, working at the occult level towards the freedom of India, he was actively putting his force behind the Allies in the Second World War. Along with the Mother he was responding to the various difficulties of disciples and directing other events in the world. This meant writing several letters running into 5 big volumes, wrote number of short and long poems and of course completed Savitri. During this period he extensively revised and added considerably to few major works such as Essays on the Gita, the Synthesis of Yoga, The Life Divine. So you see he had his hands full and plateful of work always.Ā 


Alok Da

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