Why does everybody around me e.g. my kids in my school or kids around my society and many other people think they are very smart? And some people think that they are the boss? Where does this mentality comešŸ˜£?

There are all kinds of children and people in the world. What they are is their business and we should not worry about them especially why they are this way or that way. Most of us pick up things from the home environment. What is however important to know is how to deal with such people. 

We should never let people bully us nor get over impressed and try to imitate and become like others. If people try to bully us we can quietly move away saying that they should mind their own business.  Meanwhile we should keep developing ourselves, our qualities and capacities, our strengths while go on overcoming our weaknesses so that we become what the Divine wants us to be. All the rest will spontaneously fall into its place. 

Lots of Love

Alok Da

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