Why does God snatch something that we hold so dear to us? How can I understand God?🙄

Asked by a 33 year old

God does not snatch anything nor does He want to play a spoilsport and make us unhappy. Suffering comes to everyone because we do not know the right way to live. We are attached to things and people which by their nature do not last or even if they remain, the joy we get from them passes away. This is the fate of all earthly life until we turn away from transient joys and seek lasting truths and permanent source of joy. Pain and suffering invariably come to remind us that the joys we are experiencing is limited and imperfect. This is meant to spur us to seek the Permanent. Indeed suffering comes to open an inner door for us and if we use the moment and the opportunity then we can discover the permanent Source and Joy within us.


Alok Da

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