The work may not be done for the Mother. In fact it is good to be honest about the motive behind the work which may be for purely personal reasons. Yet we can offer our efforts and the personal motives to Her. It means that we offer Her inwardly (through a mental prayer or simply a remembrance in the heart) and then go about doing it as we would do, except that from time to time remember Her during the work. Then once the work is over, we offer the whole effort and its expected or hoped for result. But having thus offered it all, we need to train the mind and the desire self not to go back to the work in the mind analysing it and to accept the result, whether it be the one we desired or otherwise. We don’t get overjoyed or depressed by the result because what is given to us is effort and effort alone, karmanyevadhikaraste, and not on the result that are anyways not in our control, maphaleshu kadachena. By this practice we learn to stay focused upon the work.
Next we should try to make the work as beautiful and perfect as we can, not because of any personal gains but for the joy of it. When we no more do the work for any fruits but only for the joy of it and having mentally offered to Her then the work becomes naturally Her service. Later automatically our work and effort will be taken more and more by the Mother, it will become effortless and seamless. Then She will take it up and make it Her Work and, if needed, shift our work and give us the work that She wants us to do.
Alok Da