Different forms and names, whether of the Ishwara or of the Divine Mother are there precisely because each has a specific power and purpose in the manifestation. However since the Supreme is present in all and because each form is an aspect of the Supreme it is possible that a worshipper of Krishna or Kali may find oneself drawn towards Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and take up their yoga. However if he continues with the previous forms and names then his path and the goal will be limited to the powers embodied by that form and name, which at its highest is Moksha. It is a question of the readiness and core aspiration of the soul. If it is earthward and unselfish then invariably the sadhaka will find himself directed towards or turned towards Sri. Aurobindo and the Mother and feel the call for this yoga. If one doesn’t yet feel the call or turned towards Sri Aurobindo and the Mother then it would mean that one is not yet ready for the Integral Yoga regardless of his bhakti for Sri Krishna and any other form or aspect of the Divine Mother.
Alok Da