1 . What could be these heart of experiences of our lives that the soul carries with it from birth to birth ? Could it be our character? our transformation in Swabhaav ? or could it also also be any single big event in life that would make the soul more emotional or more fearful or more egoistic etc.
2. Which Karma is Sri Aurobindo speaking of here? It is our past life Karma’s experience?
It is the essence of an experience that the soul gathers. For example it may gather that a life of luxury and excess of wealth traps one in comfort leaving little space for inner growth or that one has to pay a heavy price for being famous in the world of glamour and so on and so forth.
Character as one normally understands it is a pattern of behavior that the outer surface personality acquires during a lifetime. It has little intrinsic value as it is formed largely by force of heredity and the outer environment. It is like the outer crust of a tree that drops off with the death of the body as leaves drop off during autumn. The swabhav shapes the inner being of man as it interacts with the world outside. It is carried forward and shapes itself through lives until our inner being reflects the truth of our soul, swabhav.
Intense experiences, especially certain life changing crisis or serious acts such as suicide or untimely deaths are also carried on as deep imprints of unresolved karmas. Otherwise karma in general is are the unfinished curves of learning and experience much like we learn a subject from class to class developing along the lines of certain experiences needed for the soul’s blossoming.
Alok Da