I am an educated mother who has been through a failed business that wasn’t my original idea. Despite my education and experience, I still don’t know what to do. There is no purpose.

Purpose is indeed a most important driving force of life giving it a meaning as well as value.  However we must distinguish between purpose and the work we do or the job we are engaged in. A job is only one of the means for fulfilling the purpose, if it is aligned with the aim of our life.  Jobs are limited and time bound but the purpose can continue throughout life. It is necessary therefore to spend some time in self reflection to be clear about what you are really seeking, whether through business or anything else.  It may take some time but it is worth the effort.  It helps to read books of profound wisdom and retreat for sometime into solitude within or, if that is not possible, then to take a break and go to some place where you can be with yourself.  

The next important thing is to study your nature, temperament, tendencies, strengths and weaknesses to help you choose the right kind of work. Not everything is meant for everyone and it is good to understand our innate temperament before embarking upon a work. We should see whether we have genuine interest as well as the capacities needed for the same.  

Once you are clear about it then spend a little time in gathering new skills and updating yourself.  

Finally pray and offer the venture to God and embark with trust and confidence in yourself,  your destiny and the Grace ensuring that no clouds of failure, doubt and fears clog the mind space and paralyse from taking the right decisions. 


Alok Da

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