Yes, it is so because the whole society is undergoing a massive transformational shift. Sri Aurobindo called it as The Hour of God. The Mother explained that “We are at one of those Hours of God, when the old bases get shaken, and there is a great confusion; but it is a wonderful opportunity for those who want to leap forward, the possibility of progress is exceptional.”
In other words the old order of Society has been broken. No doubt it had some good things but there was in it also plenty that was not so good or even outright evil. Certain customs and traditions that possibly had their justification in a certain period of time had become dated. The Time-spirit has broken them. This happens during all moments of great transitions for example during the times of Parashuram, Lord Rama, Buddha, Christ, Krishna and now Sri Aurobindo.
The defect of the old system was that it was too much dependent upon social pressures giving little scope to the individual for his progress which requires space and freedom of choices. Authentic growth takes place only when the individual makes his own choices. No doubt there is a risk of downfall here but there is no other way but to take this risk if one has to evolve consciously.
The defect of the modern system is that though it gives freedom to the individual it still controls his choices. Our education does not equip us with the knowhow and understanding about how to choose. Ancient Indian society was excellent in this sense because it based itself on dharma rather than society. The teachers and kings were supposed to uphold the Dharma which is not rules, regulations or rituals. It also broke down because the masses could not assimilate or enough care was not taken to uplift them. Now this is possible through the digital revolution provided we don’t let AI control our choices.
Whatever it be and whatever the dangers this experiment had to be taken by Nature to compel the individual to make choices based on something more intuitive and truer within him than what Society can ever provide. Given this scenario where the old systems are gone and technology is at the service of the human animal there is a pressing need to educate the children about the significance of choices and how to make them rather than making choices for them. The new basis cannot be social compulsion but Truth, truth in thoughts and actions, truth in feelings and relationships, expressing one’s own truth (swadharma) in all one does, truth in will not distorted by desires and ambition. The process has started in a few children who are the pioneers of the future. The larger change of the mass consciousness will follow sooner or later.
Alok Da