
I find it bizarre how people with no belief about creation other than the solitary big bang, or no belief at all in any higher power live life ? Like what is even stopping them from just ending their life if they’re miserable? People with mental health disorders and with no grounding to their existence just roam about in misery…I feel there is something in built in humans that doesn’t accept this self gas-lighting intellectual theory that there’s no higher power, and is it this that makes them continue with life? What exactly is the inward instinct that makes them not only continue to roam aimlessly in what they believe is just an accidental happening of useless matter, but also WANT to continue ? I’ve asked people this question, and every time just reply with…”well, that’s life!”….It’s a little amusing but quite frightening also…😏

Absolutely true. Faith in a Creative Power that drives the wheeling of the stars and the Ages building order out of disorder in intuitively ingrained

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They often tell me that it was the householders who had the supramental “downloads” or words to that effect. They also say marriage is an airplane route in this Integral Yoga Path. I’m not a grihastha as it is against the truth of my being & not in consonance with my needs. Not being a grihastha limits my exposure & experience of human interactions & hence limits the field & scope for progress. Am I then unfit or not qualified either for Integral Yoga or for being touched by supramental? Supramental is too far afield but these queries do come up now & then with age & passage of time). Please shed some light on this 🙏

This is supported neither by facts nor by spiritual logic. The truth of the matter is that marriage does come with a huge burden as

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Aren’t the nihilists partly right when they don’t see any fundamental meaning in all the things society tried to point towards with all its conventions like marriage, money, tradition etc.. but the only thing missing is how Sri Aurobindo in the essays on the Gita writes about Sri Krishna too shunning all the pragmatic queries of arjuna to fight the war and says that the only command is “take refuge in me alone”. Isn’t this alchemical transmutation the only fundamental distinction🤔?

Taking refuge in God is to be free from stain of fear and sin. It means to be awake powerful instrument of the Divine in

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When we talk about karma, there is a shlok in the 18th adhyay of Gita (Chapter 18, shlok 14) that there are 5 factors responsible for any karma- adhishthan, karta, karan, prayatna and daiva.  So, when we were discussing about this in a group, someone asked why daiva does not intervene when something terrible happens (for example rape or something else)? The way Sri Krishna intervened when Draupadi suffered while attempted to be disrobed, why He does not prevent rapes or terrorist assaults? How daiva can allow such things to happen😪?

Daiva is not the Divine nor a particular god but the gods or divine powers that play a role in determining the events and circumstances

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In the prayer of May 31, 1914, (1) Mother describes how She identifies with earth and during one sunset, offers herself in complete self-giving and in the silence of night waits for the grand illumination to happen again. This reminded me of the Sandhya Vandana of Sanatana Dharma, and it felt as if Mother was showing us all how a true offering to the Lord Surya, needs to be done. Is this perception right🙂?

Yes, in another prayer She refers to the sunrise and sunset being special hours. But to offer the entire earth would be possible only if

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Today on 26th January, someone casually told me – what’s there to celebrate India’s Republic Day or Independence day when a so many inhuman incidents going on inside India! To which my spontaneous reply was-“Forget not what’s going on just a step outside India” But then I realised this still not justify all that has been happening in India throughout…crime is a crime irrespective of the frequencies and numbers…And all that has been going on is really concerning and leads to a doubt leading ultimately to questioning why there’s not any Divine intervention to uproot the devils roaming in the hides of human and songs of the kind – “Utho Draupadi sastra uthalo..govind ab na aayeinge” reiterate themselves in my mind spontaneously😏..

Celebrating India’s Independence day means that we are happy that India is politically free from the long servitude to the British rule. Political Independence does

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When someone talks to themselves, who are they talking to😏? The mind is just mumbling in solitude, right? If someone prays, isn’t it the same action? The mind creates an image that religion has given, referring to it as God, and then it engages in a conversation with that image in its mind. Is there something different happening that is being overlooked?

There are many levels of the mind and there are things beyond the mind itself. When we speak to ourselves we are speaking from one

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