I am working as a teacher in a CBSE school. I am not able to be very sincere in my work. Many ideas come to my mind to teach children, but not able to put them into practice. I am not able to concentrate in any work I am doing and hence not able to finish it on time. And thereby don’t get time to prepare the lessons the way I want. Please guide me.

It often happens that as we grow in consciousness things that interested us in the past do not seem so interesting anymore. Besides one gets caught in the routine of life and the varied challenges it brings that were not there when one was studying and the field of work chosen. Over a period of time the work itself becomes routine and mechanical and is unable to engage us anymore.

It also happens that we experience a need for transition and change during middle age. It is like a new window of opportunity that opens for us.

The way to go forward is to reinvent and reorient yourself. Try to find out things that interested you but which you could not pursue. Take them up again. Spend some time in self discovery. Read more, travel if possible,  explore the deeper spiritual dimension of life.

As to the work, try to find new ways taking advantage of the discoveries that have taken place, apply creative ways of teaching. Essentially it is the need for progress and change that you seem to be experiencing. Heed to it. Move towards the future with courage and faith.


Alok da.

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