In a recent Suicide case where man has demanded a huge maintenance from wife does it show the limitations of law where woman has all the rights for false allegations and exercise their rights in wrong manner? This is what it is said Marriage as an institution and Man nowdays are very afraid to become a part of such venture where is suppose women loose her interest or some other reason want to take divorce and ask for alimony and maintenance inspite of having job. Don’t to you think this marriage is more risky gamble for Man now since laws are also not very supportive for them? Is it better to avoid marriage😡?

Fear and suspicion are never a good counsel. Men and women both are known for low and cheap behaviors. This cannot change by law but by education. The very basis of marriage is wrong. Instead of love and respect and the sharing of joys and sorrows, mutual sacrifice, it has become more of a social arrangement, legal document and mutual adjustment and compromise, an institution from which the spirit of love has passed away leaving only a shell of social functions and common rituals or monetary interests to hold two people together. Hence it is being destroyed by the Time-Spirit. Legal systems are never a solution. They are temporary stop gap arrangements for a half evolved crude humanity. 


Alok Da

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