What are the (practical) ways to awaken consciousness in the physical🤔?

Physical exercises done consciously with the aspiration to awaken consciousness in the body is the means for awakening consciousness in the physical.  Along with that one should carefully avoid activities and movements that pull the consciousness down towards tamas, including excess fatigue, seeking for too much physical comfort,  over indulgence in food and sexual activity. Of course intoxicants such as tobacco and alcohol must be kept away to keep the physical consciousness awake and alert. Above all a balanced healthy life style that avoids excesses and allows enough rest as well as work involving not only the mind is necessary.  Doing physical work consciously such as writing and working with the hands are all helpful to awaken consciousness in the body.


Alok Da

Follow up question:

As you mentioned in your reply regarding strengthening the bond with the divine mother and the role of Satsang and the people who aspire in it , in case your work ôte other circumstances are such that you have to move away from such a group then how should one make the decision??

If such be the case and one is alone then fill all your moments with the remembrance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, immerse yourself in the books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and that is the best possible Satsang. 


Alok Da

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