Yes, in another prayer She refers to the sunrise and sunset being special hours. But to offer the entire earth would be possible only if someone is identified in the cosmic consciousness. We can offer our earth nature, the material substance of our body built by earth, and our entire being in complete self giving.Â
(2) In the same prayer, She also describes the Supreme Lord as ‘as the Inconceivable, the Unknowable, the Formless’ and also as one who is seated within Her heart ‘like the sublimest of idols’. Here too, I felt that this description comes so close to that of Narayana of the Naryana Suktam of the Vedas. I feel as if the suktas of the past have come alive in some of her prayers and it is amazing to see these similarities in the depictions of spiritual realisations. Is that correct?
Yes, one of the works of the Avatar is to rescue the Vedas when they are lost (though outer form is preserved as a shell) in a whole lot of tradition and rituals. This is the dharmasyaglani. The Avatar rescues its spirit and gives it a new form and a new force consistent with the Age.Â
Though some of her prayers look so much like Vedic descriptions and realisations, we also know through Sri Aurobindo that She had far exceeded the realisations of the great rishis of yore.
Yes. They completed and fulfilled what the Rishis glimpsed and aspired for.Â
Alok Da