My last question was related to seeing Kali. After which I read mothers story of Kali, and the difference between Kali and Mahakali. Alok da, sometimes Sri Aurobindo used to sign his letters with Kali so what Kali is he referring to and what Kali did Ramakrishna prayed tošŸ¤”?

The Kali who is traditionally worshipped in India depicted as nrimundamalini, is the projection of the Mahakali that Sri Aurobindo as well as Sri Ramakrishna described as of dark blue colour with a deep fierce intensity and passion of Divine Love. On the vital plane she destroys the ego and all that stands in the way of liberation and union with the Divine. Later, once the ego is slain, she changes into the resplendent Mahakali who draws the soul with swift intensity into her embrace of Divine Love.

The Kali whom Sri Aurobindo invoked in Bhavani Bharati and during the days of revolution is the traditional projection in the vital so that she can destroy the darkness, tamas and selfishness in which India and Indians had to be engulfed and that had to be slain. First the ego must be slain before we are ready for the Divine Love of Mahakali.

But there are many many countless projections of kali even Rakshasic and Asuric forms worshipped by the Rakshasa and the Asura for example by Ravana and Meghnada. We have the description of some of these in the Tantra. Some of them are even prayed for dark purposes by offering animal sacrifices. It is to these that the Mother is referring in some of her conversations. But otherwise the Mother refers to Kali as a powerful mighty force to destroy falsehood as well as Mahakali and her deep intensity of Divine Love that sacrifices herself for the sake of creation and her children and with one stroke change future time.


Alok Da

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