Namaste Alokda, Recently read is a book called – Psychic Being (Soul, its nature, mission and evolution)’ by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. Question was, Do both the soulšŸ¦¢ and the Psychic Being exist together?

The Mother’s answer is, ” The Soul is the eternal essence at the center of the Psychic Being. It is the Divine spark that dwells at the center of each being, it is identical with its Divine Origin. The psychic being is formed progressively around this Divine Center, the Soul. In the course of innumerable lives in the terrestrial evolution, until the time comes when the Psychic Being, fully formed and wholly awakened, becomes the conscious sheath of the Soul around which it is formed. And thus identified with the Divine, it becomes His perfect instrument in the world.” Does this mean that the Soul itself does not need to evolve, as it is part and whole of the Divine? And it is only the Psychic being that is evolving, and stores evolution in itself til the time comes to be one with the Soul? So when we say the Souls is reincarnated, is it the Psychic Being that is ” individual”, not the soul? Is it the Psychic Being that need rest after the death of physical body?

The soul is a portion of the Divine and is present like the essence in everything, just as the formless fragrance in a flower. This formless essence puts forth a form, a personality over a period of many lives. When fully developed it is called as the psychic being. Though the soul has within itself all the potentiality of the Divine, when the Psychic Being is formed through its countless experiences it begins to express the Divine in a particular mode or aspect. The soul is the inmost core, the psychic being is the soul-personality that develops around it as the soul goes through and grows through a succession of lives. Just as a cell specialises in functions as it develops or a child who could grow into any direction chooses a particular line that reflects in its personality, just as a seed grows into a tree, just as water is the essence but it assumes different forms of water bodies for specific function so too the soul assumes different individual soul personalities while always the same in essence with other souls. 

Of course this soul personality is not the same as the outer personality of man which is temporal and is destroyed with each life.


Alok Da

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