Ask Alok da
We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask.
This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

My problem is that I want to trust on my kids but some outer circumstances and views I can’t trust on him. So what practice I should do to regrading these trust issues?
Whether we can have trust on the children or not we have to keep a watch over them till they grow up into responsible adults.

My mother-in-law does not let go of the control in the house even after years. She makes me feel that the house we stay together is her house, I too want to feel that I am living in my house. What to do?
It takes time to build a relationship and win the trust and confidence of those who are already there. It applies in the field of

Every time I am doing something important in my life, my father will tell me that it will not work out and I should not have my hopes too high, he is such a pessimist but still he gets inside my head and I am upset and full of tension, why is he not supporting me?
The question you need to ask is not why your father is not supporting you but that why you still believe

Can you please explain the difference between Gayatri and Savitri? How do you get this continuous flow of thoughts on any subject?
Gayatri is the personification of a specific metre in Sanskrit poetry. As a goddess, she is supposed to be the power behind the inspirations and

My daughter demands that we buy branded expensive clothes for her just like her friends wear. We cannot afford it but then I worry she will look the odd one out and girls will not include her in their group.
Explain to her through stories and examples that the value of a human being does not depend on how she looks or the clothes one

What impact does self-belief have on one’s ability to achieve success?
Naturally self belief or rather faith, – faith in

What does success mean to you personally?
To fulfill what we are born for, the purpose of our life, to be

When I meet some of my relatives, I feel so low due to the things they point out and the personal comments they pass to me and because of our social settings I just cannot avoid them, I don’t know what to do?
If you cannot avoid these relatives then you have to learn to ignore them. Human opinions are anyways of no value since

My children are home all day due to vacations, staff is also less and sometimes zero. Then they will make a mess, want to do painting and play with clay and I know I should let them do all this but later it gets so hard on me and when I ask then to help they will never help in clean up so all day I am irritated and tired. Why I have so much dependency on staff?
Dependency on staff is fine but it is better to explain and train the children to help clean up after they have played. It is

How do you maintain motivation and focus when faced with obstacles?
By increasing our will and cultivating faith and endurance.
When faced with an obstacle, then instead of giving up one should

Can you provide an example of how time management directly impacts financial success, considering the principle “time is money”?
It is said that time well spent is time well used.
In other words time management implies two things.

Whenever I sit quiet, praying to Mother, everything seems to be settled. But when I go in the real world, I feel that people take me granted as my polite humble approach towards all. Why people show of their power and dominance always? Even the absolute power is the divine only. I have mild autism spectrum disorder, I always find out difficulties with communication and over all social behavioural things with people and especially when people are dominating.
People are what they are because of various reasons. We cannot change them. What is important is how should we deal with them. With regard

People say you cannot buy time because time is money but if you buy things which can save your time isn’t it a way you are buying time?
Time is precious and money is not the only precious thing in life. Friends, family, studies, good character, education, health are all precious, more precious

How to explain death to my 6 year old? She also asked me what happens after death?
You can tell her that when the body and mind undergoes wear and tear through the journey of life, the soul goes to God to

Can you please explain The Mother’s grace in our lives?
The Mother’s Grace and Love is the most powerful and action of the Divine that helps creation move forward inspite of all resistances and difficulties.

Everybody deserves to not be rich or they cannot be rich?
Everybody deserves to be have enough money to be able to take care of their needs and lead a reasonably comfortable life. This does not

What to do if your husband keeps fighting with u constantly over small small things n blames u for your reactions against the argument. How can I make him calmly see this ?
First thing one needs to see is whether he has a tendency to be critical and querrulous with others too or is it largely confined

How is a birth mark formed? Does it have anything to do with previous life?
Birth marks are generally due to the unique genetic makeup. They are not