If gods lack a psychic being then from where have they acquired qualities that humans do not possess? The Mother mentions that they are eager to take a human body to experience the psychic presence. Why they are called “Gods”😇?

What qualities? They have powers and knowledge but if we hear the stories most of the gods do not have some of those qualities that human beings develop under the evolutionary stress. Gods accept devotion and surrender of humans but rarely do they themselves have the experience of devotion and surrender to the Highest. So too humility and extreme sacrifice, the love that is stronger than death, faithfulness and loyalty. Some of them, especially on the vital plane display jealousies and even a sort of ambition. They are not easily moved by sympathy and human suffering. That is why it is said that if they want to go further they need to take a human body.

They are called gods because they are limited powers and aspects of the Divine and are given the work of managing the creation. But man can, of course if he wills, unite with the Supreme Himself, become one with Him, a possibility denied even to the gods.


Alok Da

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