Partying, drinking, socializing are ways people try to forget their loneliness. But as is evident these things are not only harmful but counterproductive in the long run. Besides one cannot run away from the loneliness all the time.
To deal with loneliness one has to adopt a twofold approach. Instead of busying oneself through parties and socialising which does not help out growth, one should busy oneself with meaningful work.
At the same time whenever one has some time, one should either be in the company of good books (it requires cultivating the habit of reading) as well spend some time alone reflecting upon and trying to understand oneself, one’s life and its purpose.
The need for friends should be fulfilled by being in the company of people who are knowledgeable and do not pull us down or to do some social service where one naturally meets people who are trying to help others. Best of course is the company of God and God – lovers, Satsang as it is called, but that is not easy to find and not all are inclined and ready for it.
Alok Da.