The sense of burden is common to all thinking human beings. There are those who do not think much and their life is confined either to the day to day routine of pleasures and pains or to small goals and little satisfactions. But the moment thinking man, in the true sense evolves that one carries a burden. It is a life caught between the simplicity of animal wants and the glory of the gods. The way out is the way forward, to put oneself fully along the line of further progress. It is lack of progress that often manifests as a general unhappiness or fatigue, boredom and loneliness, as if life was a burden one was carrying. The solution is to grow in aspiration and consecrate oneself more and more to the Divine and the true purpose of one’s life.
As to the teens today, one can distinctly see more and more two basic types. One is the typical stereotype replicating the times and the age we live in. But there is a distinct another type emerging against the general background of children who seem to be quite advanced beyond their age as you have noticed with your child. They are quite naturally somewhat misfit and may seem somewhat maladapted since the general social milieu and the structured environment does not support their growth. The secret of helping these new type of children or children from the future is to allow them quite a bit of space and freedom to explore and experiment. They need positive encouragement from home, more than usual in fact, since they are unlikely to find it elsewhere. They need more time, support and understanding than normal because they are navigating through two worlds at the same time. I am sure she will outgrow these ups and downs as she gets past adolescence and finds or devices her own moorings.
Alok Da