Why intelligent people complicate things, discuss theories, philosophies, analysis and confuse themselves and others?

Because such is the nature of mental intelligence. Our mind is like a restless monkey caught in a maze, surrounded by a dense fog and who does not even know where is he supposed to go. Hence it moves around here and there jumping from one possibility to another until tired, it sits for a while but only to start jumping again. Even if it was somehow brought near to the exit end of the maze or the true solution by some hand of destiny, it will again go back to its restless jumping around in the blind circuits of ignorance.

The problem is compounded by the fact that we think that our mental intelligence is the only or at least the highest intelligence. But our human intelligence is only a small fragmented ray of the Divine Intelligence that looks at everything in its all comprehensive complexity and yet, at the same time with the spontaneous simplicity of a child or a relatively unlettered man who can see directly what the much read degree holder misses. It is the the difference between the analytical and the intuitive mind that we see in the simple human beings endowed with faith and in those who have gone beyond man and the rational human intelligence into the higher realms of the spiritual and the divine intelligence.

Let me share an experience, there was a seminar on transformations, number of discussions happened and then questions and answers. Then the watchman of that place caught hold of the speaker as he was curious as in what the discussion was about so he told him that it was about transformation. So the watch man said, “so much discussion of course there is transformation. I see it every day. I see it all around, on the way when I come to work I see it. I see a pond on which lotus is blooming in a pond so if lotus can bloom in the mud, why can’t man grown into God.” See it was very simple for him to understand than an intellectual.


Alok Da.

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