As we celebrate the 77th Independence Day of India it is time for young India to take a look back and reflect whether we are truly free. For freedom in India is not just political freedom but also psychological and spiritual freedom. Are we free in our thoughts or shackled by slavery to ideas alien to our innate culture and way of life? Are we spiritual free, we may ask when we still understand yoga as a set of physical exercises and our once mighty spiritual life, creative in every field, is divided in small sects divided in narrow streams? Are we truly free?
Next let us reflect upon the present and see are we really living for Mother India? Do we believe that she is much more than a piece of land, a living Goddess, our Mother, Maa Bharati? Are we truly doing something for her or living merely for our small selfish needs?
Finally let us reflect upon the future and see which way do we want India to go? Along the lines of Western democracy whose failures are becoming more and more evident by the day? Or along the lines of the Middle East that is holding on to its extreme conservativism not allowing fresh creative impulse to take the lead of human life? Or we want India to go down the way of China where even freedom of thought is trampled upon and men sell their souls for a loaf of bread?
As we move into the future let us see what made India great and invincible at one point of time. It was undoubtedly a mighty spiritual and creative impulsion, the Sanatana Dharma. Let us reconnect with this thread of life we lost. Though lost to the surface life it yet pulsates in our souls. The DNA of Rama and Krishna, the valour of Arjuna and Bhisma, the sacrifice of Dadhichi and the mighty Shiva flows in our veins and blood. Let us rekindle the fire of Sanatana Dharma, let us reclaim the patrimony of our forefathers, let us ignite the flame of heroism and sacrifice in our hearts grown dull and restless and say with all our heart, Bande Mataram, Jai Bharati. Bharat Mata ki Jai.
Alok Da