In Gita, Sri Krishna says: I am time the destroyer, Can you please explain this? Sometime back there was an untimely death in the family and the person had lived a miserable life as in alcoholic thus failed in relationships and then when he died suddenly I thought may be this is Divine compassion which gave him a fresh start … is this right in thinking?

In the eleventh chapter of Srimadbhagawat Gita, Sri Krishna grants to Arjuna as a special Grace the grand vision of His Viswaroopa. Then the great epic warrior and friend of Sri Krishna beholds the wonderful vision. The actual vision is, on the one side beautiful beyond measure, full of delight. On the other hand, it is dreadful and strikes terror even in the heart of greatest of warriors. So the terrible aspect is only one side of the Vision, not the whole of it. But the terrible side is put forward now on the battlefield of Kurukshetra because such is the Will of the Lord at that moment.

This Will risen to destroy the outer forms because of which the soul trapped in a body misused for evil purposes suffers. To relieve the soul from such a consciousness that has turned away from the path of progress is indeed a Compassion and a Grace. But few have the faith and the courage to see this way.


Alok Da

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