The traditional Tantra understands the Mother and her Powers as manifested so far in the lower manifestation of which we are a presently a part. But there is a higher manifestation of the Divine Mother which is beyond the reach even of the gods and goddesses. It is this higher manifestation that is going to cure the evil that is the fallout of the process of creation in which She, the Infinite must limit Herself in form and name until Her Knowledge and Power seems to reach a vanishing point. This extreme state of darkness from where creation emerges through a tussle and struggle is the origin of evil, a necessary evil if one may say so. Since it is She who has become this limiting Maya, it is She who can release us from its limiting bonds and turn it into a life beautiful and divine. Sri Aurobindo writes.
‘The Divine Consciousness and Force are there and do at each moment the thing that is needed in the conditions of the labour, take always the step that is decreed and shape in the midst of imperfection the perfection that is to come. But only when the supermind has descended in you can she deal directly as the supramental Shakti with supramental natures. If you follow your mind, it will not recognise the Mother even when she is manifest before you. Follow your soul and not your mind, your soul that answers to the Truth, not your mind that leaps at appearances; trust the Divine Power and she will free the godlike elements in you and shape all into an expression of Divine Nature.
The supramental change is a thing decreed and inevitable in the evolution of the earth-consciousness; for its upward ascent is not ended and mind is not its last summit. But that the change may arrive, take form and endure, there is needed the call from below with a will to recognise and not deny the Light when it comes, and there is needed the sanction of the Supreme from above. The power that mediates between the sanction and the call is the presence and power of the Divine Mother. The Mother’s power and not any human endeavour and tapasya can alone rend the lid and tear the covering and shape the vessel and bring down into this world of obscurity and falsehood and death and suffering Truth and Light and Life divine and the immortal’s Ananda.’
Alok Da