I am a married woman and a new mother, I have always wanted to take up this yoga and read books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But due to my other duties I am unable to give myself completely to this yoga. Is it possible that I can do this yoga while carrying on my worldly duties. I do read books but it takes me time to grasp the subject but your lectures and talks helps me a lot Has mother given any simpler way to do this yoga ? And as a new mother how should I inculcate the teachings of Sri Aurobindo in my daughter. I am staying in USA and I am scared that my daughter is going to learn things in this western country which is most of the time very superficial and doesn’t help in any inner growth. Kindly suggest me what should I do?

The world and God are not as opposed to each other as they seem to be. God dwells in world and governs the world-play from behind though presently veiled by the ignorance. In fact the world has come into existence to manifest His Delight. But right now we are not ready to receive the Divine Light and Love and Force and Delight directly. Hence He has covered His face with a veil. By slowing digging through the veil we start getting accustomed more and more to His Light and Delight until one day we are face to face with Him. This inward turning requires an aspiration, a seeking, a faith and surrender to the Divine Mother, Her remembrance in our life and an offering of all our activities to Her. This should be done amidst all our worldly engagements just as a tree seeks for light even though in a dense forest, or a thirsty man looks for water even amidst all the luxury and riches. So too we must seek the Divine with a will to serve Him, to fulfill His Will and purpose in the world.

The Mother clearly reveals this core truth in the following words.

‘”Sri Aurobindo came to tell us: one need not leave the earth to find the Truth, one need not leave life to find one’s soul, one need not abandon the world or have limited beliefs to enter into relation with the Divine. The Divine is everywhere, in everything, and if he is hidden, it is because we do not take the trouble to find him.”

As to children, the dangers have always been there because they are like sponge and absorb everything. In our present times, the danger is not so much from the Western culture but from Wokeism which amounts to no culture or the culture of anarchy and disruption. It is spread in the name of social justice to capture the young impressionable minds though all that they mean by the word is to revolt and force opinions almost intolerantly upon everyone. It is spreading like wildfire everywhere though its hub is America and certain parts of Europe. The way to deal with it is to educate the children from an early age to distinguish between what is true and false taking the help of reason and through inspiring stories. They should also learn the truly beautiful and the facade of appearances. Finally they should be taught to discern between the truly good and the merely pleasant. Art, music, sports should be encouraged to refine and discipline the vital parts. Similarly there should be enough exposure to high and lofty thoughts and ideals through stories and legends to build a fortress in the mind. Of course it is best to have a living example before them, either the parents themselves or else great ones and of course of the embodied Divine such as Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

For the rest create a peaceful, happy, harmonious and loving atmosphere at home, full of the energy of true love and light built by bhakti and spiritual seeking and reading.


Alok Da.

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