In the integral yoga we don’t use these terms or practice. Here the goal and the methods are very different. Expansion of consciousness is a relatively modern term used by modern yoga teachers. Expansion however naturally occurs as the human consciousness shut in the mental prison of thoughts and ideas is liberated and hence begins to enter into higher domains. In Sri Aurobindo’s yoga, the terms used are widening as well as entry into the cosmic consciousness.
One set of methods is stepping back from the whirlpool of surface consciousness and the impact of senses so that one becomes more and more a witness. Then one turns the consciousness upwards by concentrating above the head on the Divine Mother’s Presence. A simpler method is to open to the Mother in a spirit of love and surrender for we begin to grow in the likeness of what we love.
If one wants one can try the method of mental imagery such as that of the vast sky or else floating on the ocean becoming one with the expanse of the sea or the sky. This is more of a mechanical result and does provide instant relaxation due to the widening, it is temporary and does not have a lasting impact.
Alok Da