What does The Mother say anything about Valentine’s Day💖 ? In my opinion every day should be Valentine’s Day….but is there anything special about this day that she’s used?

The Mother and Sri Aurobindo spoke about love in its truest, deepest and highest sense. Valentine’s Day is more about celebrating romance which is quite a different thing from love. I am sure the spirit of martyred Valentine who stood for reforms and a liberal attitude in the orthodox Church would be quite surprised to see all that is happening in his name. But religion often capitalises on those who have been executed. It kills the rebel and then builds a tomb around him to capture more people to its folds. Unfortunately people fall for it easily. In India there is an equivalent, once known as Vasant Utsav, the celebration of spring. 

Yes one cannot allocate one day to love. It should be celebrated each moment of our life for without the magical touch of love, life would be like a vestibule to the desert rather than the paradisal streams and flower burdened trees of the eternal Vrindavan it is meant to be. 


Alok Da

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