Ask Alok da
We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask.
This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

What’s the meaning of the line ….As in a mystic and dynamic dance .. page 15 Savitri?
These beautiful lines from Savitri Book One Canto Two describe Savitri’s personality comparing her to a priestess of immaculate ecstasy who invokes God through her

Some advanced sadhaks, in their talks, create fear of another pandemic, or big loss of money, if we do not surrender completely, or start an Ashram or be a part of Ashram life, and give everything for the Divine purpose. They say marriage and family life are dangerous for sadhana or any realisation. Govt or Pvt Jobs should not be done as it curtails our freedom. They say to leave everything: family, children, jobs, as these are blockers in our Sadhana, and every moment try to lead a spiritual life by surrendering completely for Mother’s work directly. If we are not leading an Ashram life, we are far far away from the Divine. Should we join Integral Yoga communities out of fear of some destruction? What is Mother’s views in this regard?
Sin, guilt, fear belong to the old world and to religion. It has no place in spiritual life. The Mother did caution that some people

What are the present problems of India compare to old India?
India started facing problems because it tried to become westernised and started giving almost exclusive importance to money and other materialistic aims.
The old India

I never say anything to anyone, I just don’t have the courage. My in-laws sometimes insult me but I cannot answer anything back. I just freeze and the other day they were pressuring my daughter for something they should not and still I could not speak up, I feel that I am letting my daughter down.
Courage is something to be cultivated. One should not allow oneself to be treated like a football or be at the mercy of other’s will.

What is the ideal of the teacher?
Mother says, “He should be a yogi.”
In Her own words:
1) Complete self-control not only to

I am working as a teacher in a CBSE school. I am not able to be very sincere in my work. Many ideas come to my mind to teach children, but not able to put them into practice. I am not able to concentrate in any work I am doing and hence not able to finish it on time. And thereby don’t get time to prepare the lessons the way I want. Please guide me.
It often happens that as we grow in consciousness things that interested us in the past do not seem so interesting anymore. Besides one gets

Sometimes without any reason I feel sad, depressed, no will to talk to anyone, a strong urge of leaving everything and Live in a Himalayan village (though don’t have dare to leave own comfort zone) etc. Whats the reason???
The state you describe is a kind of vairagya that sometimes takes the form of sadness. As you have experienced these feelings are like waves

How not to form bad habits?
First of all we should watch over our thoughts. Whatever we think often we tend to do it. What we do we tend to repeat

I am in a thankless job where my seniors do not respect me. What should i do?
To get respect from seniors is a near impossible thing. Better not to expect anything from them. Instead

What should be the right attitude towards work?
Work is not about reward and punishment, success and failure, they are reactions of mind.
One should put the best possible effort taking it as

My parents and relatives are telling me to go abroad and do a course as they think I am too attached to my home and city. My only reason for not going is that I don’t want to leave home. Please Advise.
But you should go. If you go you will grow wide. To understand things, you need to go around the world and see. This will

Sometimes I feel no one values me. How do I stop that feeling?
Human beings do not know the value of things, let alone of people because they see everything from the lens of their selfish advantage. Generally

How to deal with manipulative people ? How to deal with people who use other people for their own benefit ?
What one needs to do is to draw clear boundaries and refuse to be a puppet to someone’s demands. Our choices and actions actions should

Sometimes but very rarely my 6 year old has bad dreams. If I ask her what it was about she says she doesn’t remember. How do I comfort her ?
Bad dreams that sometimes may take the place of nightmares are not uncommon in children. They may come either because

Please explain Hindutv of Sri Aurobindo and Hidutva of our sanskruti
Sri Aurobindo did not use the word Hindutva. The term has been coined more recently by Veer Savarkar ji. However everybody seems to put their

What is the most surprising thing in the world?
Well this question was answered by Yudhishthira, “Everyday people die and yet man thinks he is immortal.”
This well known phrase in the Mahabharata during

My mother-in-law interferes in everything in our lives, to the extent that she will change things in my room. My husband being a mamma’s boy does not seem to have a problem with this. He has to report everything to her, I do not like this. How can I manage this problem? as every time I end up fighting with him and always she continues to do what she does.
There is a tact and an art in this. You need to talk to your husband in a manner that he understands your point. Instead

My father scolds me in front of my new wife in a very insulting way. I do not like it and I feel she is losing respect for me. Nowadays I have started retaliating back but that stops him for that time but next time he again loses his temper and does the same thing. Please Advise
You need to draw the line and make it clear to him that this is unacceptable. Instead of retaliating you should discuss