There always is hope because God is everywhere. But the road to this self discovery of God and His intent in a nation be a stormy and turbulent or a smoother and happier transition. Right now the America seems to have preferred the stormy and dangerous staircase to the kingdom of God.
The situation is grim because of a two pronged attack or the net of forces from within. America has always looked for the enemy outside but its true enemy is within. Endowed with enormous material means, outer riches and the false sense of invulnerability that material power and comfort zones bring it has forgotten to mend its own faultlines in trying to correct others. Taking advantage of these faultlines we see on the one hand an increasing entrapment of the soul to machinery. An excessive mechanization of life inevitably ends up with a greater servitude of the human life to depend upon gadgets, thereby leading to atrophy of its inner resources. A hyper organised society that seeks perfection by machinery and promises its citizens dreams of extended pleasure is a hell that slowly eats up our mind and body making us hollow within.
On the other hand and perhaps paradoxically as a revolt to this excessive organisation and a capitalist society, there has arisen a revolting Asuric form of socialism that is destructive of all that is high and noble and beautiful. Though it wears acceptable garbs of social justice, its method is to commit worse injustices, it justifies crass inequality in the name of equality and embraces the forces of falsehood as part of its gospel of brotherhood. It is called the Woke ideology, a danger far worse than any so far.