Success is not defined by the wealth one earns nor failure by the lack of it.
Success, in the true sense is to fulfil the purpose of our birth.
Failure is to lead a life busy with outer pursuits such as money and job while not knowing oneself and why one is here.
You need to think about your goals and redefine your aims. Money has a place in sustaining the outer framework of our life. It can build you material comfort zones at most but also often comes with a lot of trappings such as more greed for more, fear of losing it, addiction to wealth and slavery to outer comforts.
May be the lack of permanent source of money in your life is an indication that you are meant for something else. While one needs to put in effort to earn money try putting in an effort to discover your purpose of life. Perhaps you may find a clue there and a solution to the state of misery.
Alok da.