Today, I had a question. We all make mistakesšŸ˜Æ, usually driven by impulsesā€¦.May it be of sorrow, anger, jealousy, agony, in the root of all of which there is fearā€¦.It is easy ,in fact truly the easiest task to be driven by an impulse and make a mistake which may ruin several aspects of life,or leave a make which remains for long periods of time..Well is there any way to heal the harm you mistake has caused to everyone else and convey your corrected believes ,which are now free of the misbelieves caused by fears to everyone else, without having to wait for time to take charge and healā€¦

We all have certain aspects of fear in us even after they are majorly rooted out,which we will have to wait and be patient withtime and will go. However is it possible to relieve your well wishers of the problems you caused them and the fears which built up in them due to your wrong actions.Or is the only waay to keep doing the right actions,as you are and wait…..

Also is it possible to forget about all past experiences in life,not only in your own memories, but in the memories of people who are closely linked to you. Moreover, is it right. I understand it is important to take lessons but will that mistake stick with us or be tagged with us everywhere we go except for The Mothers lap; Everywhere one goes after performing a shameful act some comment on basis of just some passerby making absolutely no difference in your life, however there are few who matter to you, who are inseparable parts and hold special places in your hearts, if they misunderstand you or ignore your genuine progress or attempts to progress should we sit with it ,and if not what shall one do? Sometimes you intend nothing wrong but the other misunderstands it. After making a mistake,or not achieving something, personally I feel bad about myself and unworthy, especially after an act done out of an impulse how can one control these impulses?

Also how to deal with wishes and desires of the mind which are good such as visiting the samadhi,or staying near The Mother when it is not convenient or practical?

Another question,when we are generally concerned about someone we love their health, we listen to them but when they don’t listen to us and prioritize us before themselves selflessly, how should we lead them to take on their own path and help them prioritizze their own progress? Since like for me, I don’t like doing anything for myself, but I want my family to stop prioritizing my tasks and prioritize themselves?

Beautiful questions, especially for your age. It shows a rare sensitivity that has the potential to blossom into a beautiful being. At the same time it makes us suffer as we tend to unwittingly take up the burden of others not realising that each one has their own unique journey, the experiences through which they must pass, the difficulties and the burden they must share,  the challenges they must face and through it all the progress they must make. While we should help them to the extent that we can but it should not preoccupy us so much that it begins to affect our own life. Our first business is to progress ourselves and it is only in proportion that we progress that we can help others. This includes our nearest and dearest ones. 

Now coming to effacing the past. We must know the difference between effacing the past vis a vis changing the perceptions of people about us based on the past. Most people have a tendency to fix others in a static box or a frame and then carry this frame whenever they meet. They forget that people change, for better or sometimes for worse. Generally those who have not progressed for long tend to believe that others too remain the same. It is fruitless and frustrating to try and change their perceptions. Best is to focus on changing oneself, progressing a little everyday. Perhaps after a few years people may notice the change especially if it is marked. Otherwise it is best not to worry about the perceptions of human beings since they all live in ignorance. 

Please note however that fear is the worst enemy of our soul and instead of diverting our time and energy on trying to make others happy we should use it to conquer fear completely.  Even a little of it is harmful, much more than anything else in the world.  So let us set to conquer all fear completely and forever with the sword of faith and the help of the Divine Mother’s Grace.  

The most important thing therefore is can we change our past? The answer here is an unambiguous Yes. There are six main powers that can achieve this.

You already know about the Divine Grace and Time factor so I won’t elaborate on these two even though the single most important factor is indeed the Divine Mother’s Grace.

But there are powers within us which we can develop and use to change ourselves as well as, to an extent, the perception of others. These powers are faith, prayer, will and thought.

By faith in ourselves, our destiny and above all the Divine we can conquer every fear. Fear is a complete contradiction of trust in God. We should have faith that the Divine will take care of everything.Ā  This faith makes it possible for Grace to act just as fear and doubt slows and complicates the Divine working.Ā  To cultivate faith we should books that instill faith in God and keep the company of those who are full of faith.Ā We can also ask the Divine to give us faith.Ā 

Then there is the power of prayer.  Prayer connects us to the Highest Power and if it is sincere it can change everything in an instant. 

Will is another great power, in fact it is a twin of faith. We cannot fully apply our will unless we have faith that it will work.  A steady application of will can never fail but to be effective we must persevere without giving up. A refusal to accept the irreparable and a persistent will to change can break any habit.

Regarding time it is interesting that patience helps the change arrive faster whereas impatience makes it longer.

Finally we have the power of thought and imagination. Instead of filling our mind with fearful imaginations we should imagine and think that all will be beautiful and things will change for better and better. 

But in all this we should never forget the incalculable power of the Divine Mother’s Grace that for which nothing is impossible. 

I am sure armed with these powers you will achieve everything. But even if others are lacking then faith and Grace are enough to which addition of prayers is like adding shine to the gold. 

Wishing you success in every endeavour.

Lots of Love

Alok Da

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