Ask Alok da

We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask. 

This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

In Gita, Sri Krishna says: I am time the destroyer, Can you please explain this? Sometime back there was an untimely death in the family and the person had lived a miserable life as in alcoholic thus failed in relationships and then when he died suddenly I thought may be this is Divine compassion which gave him a fresh start … is this right in thinking?

In the eleventh chapter of Srimadbhagawat Gita, Sri Krishna grants to Arjuna as a special Grace the grand vision of His Viswaroopa. Then the great

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One resident doctor has being raped and killed in Kolkata. Sorry to ask this but than why such incidents happen and how to not get affected by listening this. Daily we hear some or the other news like this. Now is there karma behind it? Or interia? Or unconsciousness? Why that freedom has being given to such forces that leads to these kind of events? Like this to who is safe, in this universe?

Regarding the cruel incident you mention, isn’t it strange (and painful) that we think of something other than ourselves only when such extreme things happen?

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I come from a religious family and I grew up listening to religious books and seeing religious rituals. I could not relate to it and rebelled against it to find my own but after coming to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, I see there is some truth in both paths. However, one question comes to me based on what I heard while listening to Puranas in childhood. Its said that there are Yugas which come one after the other and this cycle keeps going on. If current one is Kali Yuga, does Supramental manifestation mean return of Satyayuga? Also, we started from Satyuga, then Treta, then Dwapar and then Kali Yuga, where were humans more evolved? And if I relate the human history and anthropology (based on book ‘Sapiens’,) we have evolved from Chimps and are on an upward evolutionary path. Then I am not able to understand the presence of Satyuga, Treta and Dwapar on the timeline where humans seems more evolved. I am not able to put it all in perspective?

The concept of the four yugas implies that there have been a number of cycles (six to be precise) through which creation and perhaps humanity

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Why is love blind?

Actually love is not blind, rather, for a moment at least it removes blindness and one see the Divine in form that has awakened love

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Why do I experience deep fall in consciousness intermittently? Why do I commit inexcusable acts whenever I start approaching the Mother and Sri Aurobindo with much intensity? I have encountered these situations many a time, whenever I come to Pondicherry, or when I am returning from Pondicherry, after a Satsang at home, or returning from attending a Satsang at the Centre. I commit blunders after blunders in many ways, in expressing my ego, my arrogance, my anger, my fight, my jealousy, my idleness, my desire for food, gossip and sex skyrocket whenever I start becoming serious in my Sadhana. I feel some rush of unknown massive adverse force has captured me in parallel to The Mother’s Force within me and is not letting me go towards The Mother or do any kinds of Divine work. Sometime I feel so devastated and helpless within that I am worried about the consequences of acting against the Divine Will. Please guide me how to tackle these forces within?

This is quite a common experience. The Mother has described it stating the reasons for the same. Savitri also describes it beautifully. ‘The high and

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In your book the Veda of the Body – you have touched upon creation. I’m sure Sri Aurobindo would have answered this in great detail, but I’m going to ask anyway. It’s a big question. But when God manifested himself through creation, creation lost elements of its divine consciousness. But if the yoga aims to reunite with our origin, what was the purpose of separation in the first place ? Why come away from the origin if anyway we are going to return? And even if creation was to separate and reach a higher origin, that too doesn’t make sense to me because why would the Almighty need 7 pralayaas to progress – surely he can do that without the need for this much ?

It a genuine question that any sensitive and awakened mind aught to ask especially when one looks at the many imperfections such as suffering and

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