Ask Alok da
We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask.Â
This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

Mother says, “there’s only one Will that governs the world and that is the Lord’s alone.” Does it mean then that the subconscient and the inconscient exists also by the Divine’s will? đAll the evil in the world “as we see it and experience” is also Divine’s Will?
Yes. It is how the Inconscient came into existence, by the plunge of the Superconscient into its very opposite. It was done because thus alone

Can you please explain this dream to međ§: One of my old two friends were getting married and then everyday I take a flight to Finland, this is…
Flights to mountains indicates ascent of the physical consciousness. But the wedding between the body and the higher consciousness has to be postponed because…

What does it mean to love from afar? How does one love if one is not able to communicate, send tokens of remembrance, or express affection through service? đÂ
If the basis of love is true, moved by some soul remembrance or psychic affinity, then it can burn silently in the quiet chambers of

What is the details of The Bapat case for which Sri Aurobindo was sent by Maharaja of Baroda to Ootacamund to prepare a precis and the judicial opinions on it ?
F.A.H. Elliot (d.1910), an ICS officer of Bombay presidency, was appointed principal tutor to 12-year old SayÄjirao to groom him into a cringing dependent. Not

Can you explain this dream please: I had gone Kashmir in summer but it was more beautiful than Kashmir with sky was many colors of blue and many birds and had Savitri in my suit case, the big book and I had a huge oversize suit case…
Beautiful experience of the change coming in the mind and the higher vital with the help of Savitri. This change is also extending to those

Recently, after hearing the terrible news in Kolkata, I was feeling very disturbed. Therefore I have two questions regarding West Bengal. Why is West Bengal falling deeper into falsehood and ugliness? Is there any hope for it or will it be destroyed with time?
What Bengal is witnessing today had been foreseen by Sri Aurobindo. In one of his letters to Barin he wrote almost prophetically thus. ‘But power

“One can relax without being dissolute, take rest without being vulgar, enjoy one self without allowing the grosser elements to rise in the nature.”-The Mother. Reading this I wonder how is this possible?
Ordinarily what is meant by relaxation is to indulge in the gross and crude instincts. It is called as relaxation because one ‘relaxes’ the check

My 6 year old daughter has regular temper meltdowns on small small things. No matter how much I try to console her or distract or discipline her it doesnât work. It feels like she has made it a point to do a tantrum no matter what the situation. How do I calm her down ?
She needs vital education to strengthen and refine it through sports and arts. For refinement give her exposure to …

How to get peace in surface mind because the habits come again and again that destroy silence in mind?Â
It takes long and one has to persist. Few things which will help are.
1. To step back before reacting to people or situations. Make

I got divorced from my ex- husband, and then got engaged with my fiancee and also had a breakup with him. He called off our wedding on the wedding day, due to which I completely went into the shock . I am not able to eat and sleep properly. Though I try to keep myself active but unable to control my thoughts and feelings. Now, I have trust issues, and also have fear and insecurities within me, please help me to come out of the situation.
I can understand your situation. Perhaps there was not sufficient time between the first marriage and the second engagement leaving unresolved issues and emotional hurt.

My mother lives in denial and delusion about herself and her equation with everyone around, now that is a problem more for the people around her and if I tell her anything like how she behaved in the past, she will plainly deny and fight with me, How to deal with this kind of a person?
The more you try to explain to her, the more she is likely to resist and become fixed in her position. Best is to…

I am an educated mother who has been through a failed business that wasn’t my original idea. Despite my education and experience, I still don’t know what to do. There is no purpose.
Purpose is indeed a most important driving force of life giving it a meaning as well as value. However we must distinguish between purpose and

Sri Aurobindo has written, “The soul gathers the essential elements of its experience in life and makes that its basis of growth in the evolution. When it returns to birth , it takes up with its mental, vital, physical sheaths so much so of its karma as is useful to it in the new life for farther experience” What does this mean?
It is the essence of an experience that the soul gathers. For example it may gather that a life of luxury and excess of wealth

My mumma and papa scold me in every single thing. For e.g. the ball got stuck due to air and then they are scolding me and saying stop defending your self . Another example is It was raining and we stopped the match I asked the umpire and he said no and I said ok, then my father is scolding me.
Always we should see love behind the action of parents and know that they are the only ones who love us unconditionally and …

What is the cure? Can we overcome these vital difficulties? Is it possible?
All difficulties can be overcome by Her Grace. But human ego finds it difficult to surrender. It entertains doubts and lacks faith and perseverance. It

When we have some difficulties and we pass through them. There are certain times in our lives, which we forever regret . How should we stop those old memories from coming to is when they just flash before our eyes ,even when we do not try to remember them? How to offer them and how to keep faith, if things will fall back into place, is it right to want things to become like the earlier times or is it important to look at the future? Also when there are many things going on and the Divine fulfils some of your desires but in other things you forget to express your gratitude, how can we appreciate what we have yet improve the difficulties in our nature and not be afraid to accept and acknowledge them, worried about what someone else thinks about you? Â
Thank you for the beautiful question. Let me take it step by step. First thing that we must acknowledge is that life is not perfect

What is the difference between finding psychic being, psychic being come in front and psychic transformation?
Our consciousness is ordinarily tied to the surface personality by chains of ignorance and its knots ego and desire. But this is not all we

Recently I had a breakup with my fiancee and he had insulted me in a very bad and wrong manner. How to deal with this situation. ? I am also not able to sleep properly. Kindly help me.
A person who insults a loved one is certainly not worth shedding tears for. Mutual respect is one of the most important elements of a