Ask Alok da
We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask.
This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

Each time my son competes, I feel overwhelming anxiety and discomfort about the results. How can I handle my own anxiety and ensure that it doesn’t affect him?
Well it is due to an excessive attachment that is afraid about losing anything (and includes the loved ones as part and extensions of oneself)

What is the age to talk to my son about man-woman relationship and sex and how to tell them?
Generally these things should be discussed as they enter adolescence. The word sex should be replaced by attraction between boy and girl and how its

Once a deity possession took place in my hometown and a deaf and dumb lady got possessed with a form of devi, jwala devi as locals say. She offered grains of rice to almost everyone but not me and even said something angrily (I thought may be because I was on menstruation cycle but what if otherwise). I know Mother does not reject anyone, but even after loving her I fall prey to this memory. Please help!
These possession states are generally by forces of the lower vital worlds that imitate the great goddesses to draw the attention of people and sometimes

Till what age can a boy change clothes in front of his mother? My son is 10 and half years old and I think now he should start having some privacy but he does not listen and he is very comfortable bathing, changing in front of me. What should be the age?
The need for privacy comes strongly with onset of adolescence which is generally around 12 to 14 years of age. As biological and hormonal changes

It seems like a lot of The Mother’s comments on human love, especially in a romantic capacity, lead back to the fact that it is all ego based and desire based – and therefore a desire to “overcome” vs pursue. Is it wrong to want a loving relationship/life partner and to put effort into finding this? I have always wanted to meet someone growing up but haven’t really given myself permission to do so due to some big insecurities and mental blocks that make me feel unworthy of the type of person or relationship I’d want. I find myself feeling bitter and lonely more often – especially seeing those around me easily finding suitable partners and especially as I approach my late twenties. Even though I know a relationship is not the magic solution for happiness, I do think it’s an important part of anyone’s life.
The Mother’s comments on human love have to be seen in context. Some are letters written to specific sadhaks and hence it may not be

I have turned 23 and I see people around me running after recognition and money. I too tried it but it doesn’t make me happy, but I still do it thinking I am might make a mistake of not utilizing the resources she has given. How do I create a harmony between being close to The Mother and work without delving in the pleasure of comfort or inertia?
Earn the money and use it for Her Work. Receive what you get from the world but know that it all comes from the Divine

You talk so many times of detachment in general life. Either it’s relationship which hurts anyone or the homely or office life from which one is not satisfied. But how should I detach from the outer things happening in my life whether it’s bad or good. What is the process of that? Can you please elaborate the method. There are times in my life when I have a problem and I am unable to find any solution to that, will detachment to that problem will help me? Will it give me less pain ? Or will it help me to find a way?
By attaching oneself to the Divine one gets more and more detached with the surface play of the world which is essentially a play of

Earth followed the endless journey of the sun, can you please explain this?
Physically it is a description of the earth moving around the sun through the changing of seasons. At the end of the three seasons Savitri

In a situation when some one is creating problems for us and say public nuisance etc. how can we look at him?
One has to learn to be indifferent to all else and keep the focus on the Divine.
Stay quiet in an inwardness offering it all

I am a married woman and a new mother, I have always wanted to take up this yoga and read books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But due to my other duties I am unable to give myself completely to this yoga. Is it possible that I can do this yoga while carrying on my worldly duties. I do read books but it takes me time to grasp the subject but your lectures and talks helps me a lot Has mother given any simpler way to do this yoga ? And as a new mother how should I inculcate the teachings of Sri Aurobindo in my daughter. I am staying in USA and I am scared that my daughter is going to learn things in this western country which is most of the time very superficial and doesn’t help in any inner growth. Kindly suggest me what should I do?
The world and God are not as opposed to each other as they seem to be. God dwells in world and governs the world-play from

Is it doing the yoga and wanting the Mother and serving Her, the ultimate aim of a person the same?
One can say that the ultimate aim is to become one with the Divine and growing one, to manifest the Divine since that is the

My son asked me why God is so cruel? because he made so much suffering. I don’t know what to tell him.
God is not cruel but we misread His intentions and actions just as a child misreads his parents firmness or teachers strictness which is sometimes

Alokda where can I read about BURJUA in Sri Aurobindo’s works
Bourgeois and the Samurai is an essay written by Sri Aurobindo in the Bande Mataram.
You will find it in

Why are people so much bothered about others?
It is best not to bother about people. They do things for a number of reasons. Indulging in gossip about others is a favourite pastime

I am in the path our integral yoga. I follow your talks and speeches in You said so many times that, Maa is the powerful Mantra.But I am repeating any sentence in SAVITRI daily and instead of Maa. Also I am repeating AuroMaa. Is it enough sir? Also I am doing kriya yoga sadhana for marking stability of the mind and vital. Please give your guidance in respect of my sadhana
Chanting the Mother’s Name or both Names together in the way they come to you spontaneously is called Nam Japa. It has a great power

Why failure comes and continue in life? Why we are not financially sound after repeated requests to The Mother? Only temporary solution no permanent cure for last 30 years.
Success is not defined by the wealth one earns nor failure by the lack of it.
Success, in the true sense is to fulfil

Since you have recently visited USA, what is the current situation there ? Is there any hope?
There always is hope because God is everywhere. But the road to this self discovery of God and His intent in a nation be a

Some one said in an online Pathachakra that Sri Aurobindo directed some disciples to leave the Ashram if they are not believing Sri Maa as the Divine Mother. How far this is based on facts?
He did not direct but his brother Barin and Dilip Kumar Roy eventually ended up leaving the Ashram.
One reason attributed to their departure