Alok da, how to develop the talent and cognitive skills to deal with such multifaceted subjects like Sri Aurobindo did. I mean it kind of makes me marvel how between different volumes of works on philosophy, poetry, world history, philology, yoga etc.. his metamorphosises as if he’s a master at each one of them. He easily changes even the writing style be it in poetry and prose,the style of his revolutionary writings like bandemataram, karmayogin is quite different from the life divine, and also in poetry if we compare Ilion and Savitri etc..Is it a possible for seekers in general to have such polymath like talent or is it better to stick to one thing or is it just inborn and we can’t train ourselves🤔

Sri Aurobindo attributed the development of certain faculties especially of inspiration, intuition, flow of poetry, etc to the Yoga. As regards Yoga itself he attributed it mainly to the Divine Grace more than anything else. It has been the experience of those who turned towards him and opened to the Mother that certain new faculties suddenly developed and those that were there blossomed beautifully. The secret therefore is to open to the Divine Mother’s Grace. Of course one doesn’t take to Yoga for any of these aims. The only aim of Yoga is to live for the Divine, in the Divine and by the Divine. The rest is a natural, inevitable consequence. 


Alok Da

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